
Do not neglect any breast lump. If you discover one - make a visit to your doctor.
An appearance of breast lump can be a cause of great anxiety to women whether young or old. A 'lump' is a three-dimensional discrete mass which is distinct from surrounding breast tissue.
Some women just ignore these lumps despite suspecting them to be malignant. The general thinking is 'it can't happen to me.' While it is true that majority of breast lumps are benign in nature, about 16 to 20% maybe malignant. In the medical faternity the dictum is to treat all lumps when they first present as malignant unless proven otherwise by tests such as ultrasound
or aspiration.
If in your case the lump does, unfortunately, turn out to be malignant - rememeber that there is a 'small window period' during which all early cancer are totally curable.
Our advise to you would be - DO NOT NEGLECT ANY LUMPS. Seeing your doctor is the first step you should take. Postponing this decision could make the difference - between living and dying.
Most common causes of Breast Lumps include: -
1) Fibroadenoma
2) Fibroadenosis
3) Breast Cyst
4) Breast Abscess
5) Breast Cancer
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