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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Abdominal Breathing - Complementry Medicine

Abdominal Breathing


Abdominal Breathing

Sit erect in a chair with spine, neck and head erect. Keep your eyes closed and rest your hands on the knees. Then exhale slowly, pulling your stomach inwards simultaneously. After full exhalation, hold for a second and then start to inhale slowly and deeply stretching the muscles of the abdomen.

Do not use any force or tension; breathing should be slow, deep, continuous and rhythmical. Again, after inhaling, hold for a second and exhale contracting the abdominal muscles. Repeat the process 10-15 times. Do not get up immediately on finishing this Pranayam.


  • It activates all the organs of the digestive system.
  • It cures acidity, indigestion, constipation and gas related problems.
  • It makes one cool, calm and free of tension.

Abacavir - DRUG

Generic Name : Abacavir

Pronunciation : a-BAK-a-vir

TradeName : ABAMUNE

Why it is prescribed (Indications) : HIV infection in combination with other antiretroviral drugs

When it is to be taken : 300mg of the drug is given every 12 hours in the case of adults and 600mgs daily in the case of childrens

How it should be taken : The drug is availiable in the form of tablets

Special Instruction :
The drug should be used with caution in the conditions of hepatic impairement and renal impairement

Side Effects :
Nausea,vomitting,anorexia,lethargy and fever.

Other Precautions :
keep this drug out of reach of children

Storage Conditions :
keep this medication in air tight container.

Abciximab - DRUG

Generic Name : Abciximab

Pronunciation : (ab-SIKS-ih-mab)

TradeName : Reopro

Why it is prescribed (Indications) : This is a platelet aggregation inhibitor used prior to atherectomy

When it is to be taken : 0.25mg/kg administered 10-60 minutes before the start of atherectomy followed by continous iv injection of 10 micrograms /min.

How it should be taken : The drug is availiable in the market in the form of 5 ml vials.

Special Instruction :
The plasma concentration of the drug decreases rapidly with initial half life of 10 minutes and a second phase half life of 30 minutes

Side Effects :
Bleeding,thrombocytopenia,abnormal thinking and dizziness.

Other Precautions :
May be used in the case of pregnancy,elderly and breast feeding

Storage Conditions :
Keep the vial in referigerator in an air tight container

Saturday, April 5, 2008


General Info about Burns One of the most painful injuries that one can ever experience is a burn injury. When a burn occurs to the skin, nerve endings are damaged causing the intense feelings of pain.

The infusion of large quantities of fluid, mainly a salt solution, as many as 3-4 liters daily, has proved satisfactory. Sometimes a life is saved if not more than one-quarter of the body surface has received a third-degree burn. I have given blood tranfusions to two patients with severe burns, with recovery in one case and postponement of death in the other.

-Gustav Riehl, 1925